Monday 6th February 2018, we saw a play which traces the life of Mandela. This play was animated by five comedians who came from many countries, for example from New Zealand or Congo or even South Africa. In this way, the play proposed us to discover different accents from the world. So the play begins with an elderly Mandela remembering the old times— the time of his fight against apartheid. From this moment we follow, with a clever stating, the life of Mandela since he was 10 years old. Mandela spent most of his life as a young adult in jail on Robben Island. We were all impressed by how tiny and uncomfortable Mandela’s cell was : life must have been tough for him during the 17 years he spent there. The play is really lively, all of us were captivated by the power of their speeches and the melody of their songs thanks to the well-thought settings and the original animated effects. For example, Mandela’s trial speech gives us the impression we were sitting in the court of law.
However, although the play was easy to understand and pleasant, there were slower moments which made some of us a little chatty. Despite that, the play gave us a memorable moment ; this is why I advise you to hurry and see the play.
Peter and his classmates from 1S1
Teacher : N. Schroeder